​​​What is a FYSPRT?
FYSPRT (pronounced FIS-PERT) is a forum created to bring families, youth, system partners, and communities to strengthen resources by providing community-based approaches to address the individual behavioral health needs of children, youth and families.

Who attends a FYSPRT Meeting?
All are welcome at a FYSPRT. Meetings are open to the public. 

 Some examples include:
Families of youth who have received services
Youth who have received services
System Partners whose job is impacted by the services offered to youth in the Greater Columbia region. Some examples include: mental health providers, substance use providers, law enforcement, teachers, advocacy agencies, faith community members, ect.

FYSPRT Mission and Vision 
Mission - The Washington State Family, Youth, & System Partner Round Tables provide an equitable forum for families, youth, systems, and communities to strengthen sustainable resources by providing community-based approaches to address the individualized behavioral health needs of children, youth, and families.

Vision -
Through respectful partnerships, family, youth, systems, and communities collaborate, influence, and provide leadership to address challenges and barriers by promoting cohesive behavioral health services for children, youth, and families in Washington State.

For more information, please click on the links below to view the Washington State Health Care Authority FYSPRT website. 

   Voices Matters!

There are currently ten Regional FYSPRT's in Washington.

Simply determine your region by finding your county of residence on the FYSPRT map below, and then follow these links to your regional FYSPRT website.